Q: What is the role of the Administratrix or Administrator?
A: For clarification, the word Administratrix is commonly referred to a woman who is the administrator of an estate. Gladys P Downs was appointed Administratrix for the Estate of Ed Smith Sr February 12, 2011 from the Chancery Court of Jefferson County in Fayette, MS. Her role is to conduct obligations for the land and keep the family heirs informed of all actions pertaining to the Estate such as determining the heirs and conducting a survey. 

Q: What is the role of the Co-Administrators?
A: The Co-Administrators roles/responsibilities are the same as the Administratrix.

Q: How did two brothers become Co-Administrators?

A: Lawrence "Larry" Perry and Conway Perry sought and obtained a personal attorney and presented their interest before the court to become Administrators. They were appointed Co-Administrators on December 22, 2015 from the Chancery Court of Jefferson County in Fayette, MS. The purpose of their request was to help the Administratrix move forward with conducting necessary duties for the Estate of Ed Smith Sr. 

Q: Have the Administrators received financial gain from the land?
A: Neither the Administratrix nor the Co-Administrators have received financial gain from the land. To the contrary, they have spent their own money to get where we are today -- also received other family members contributions towards attorney's fees and for the survey.

Q: Why aren't the eldest family heirs the Administrators?
A: There are a couple reasons why the eldest heirs are not Administrators. Either they are not fully capable (mentally/physically) to carry out the responsibilities or they did not seek the position through the courts.

Q: Why does the Administratrix and Co-Administrators have separate attorneys?

A: Attorneys were sought at separate times for individual reasons. The Administratrix, Gladys P Downs, sought an attorney to represent the family after learning the land was taken illegally out of Ed Smith Sr. name. Multiple heirs contributed to the $5000 attorney's fee. February 12 2011, the Estate was reestablished back under Estate of Ed Smth Sr. Through the assistance of the attorney, the courts appointed Gladys P Downs as the Estate Administratrix. 

A: Lawrence "Larry" Perry and Conway Perry sought and obtained a personal attorney and presented their interest before the court to become Administrators. They were appointed Co-Administrators on December 22, 2015 from the Chancery Court of Jefferson County in Fayette, MS. The purpose of their request was to help the Administratrix move forward with conducting necessary duties for the 
Estate of Ed Smith Sr.

Q: Why does Mary Snoddy also have an attorney?
A: Mary Snoddy sought a separate attorney to gain understanding of the financial history of the land and finalize proper heirship. Should you have further questions, she offers you to contact her at Jean.Snoddy@gmail.com.

Q: Are there future plans for the family heirs to obtain one Law Firm to represent the Estate?
A: Once the Family Board is established, this answer will be presented and voted upon from the family heirs.

Q: When will the process for developing a Family Board begin?
A: A Family Board will be established as soon as the survey is complete. By-laws will be established. Representatives for each family heir will be appointed by majority vote. Decisions will also be determined by voting heirs.   

Q: How was the surveyor chosen?
A: By Judge's order, a survey is required to establish proper boundaries around the land--also to squash rumors. The last survey was conducted October 1919. Therefore, Larry Perry researched surveyors in Mississippi. He found three. One for $24,000, another for $22,000, and $8000. He decided with the $8000 because it was most economical and the surveyor (Bruce Hamm) informed Larry he can complete the survey within 2-weeks verses the other surveyors extended timeframe. Hence, Larry expressed if anyone can find a better quote/surveyor, let him know.

Q: Some family members are not able to contribute to the survey at this time. Will there be a process for reimbursement to those who contributed more money to make up the difference?
A: Once the Family Board is established, this question will be presented and confirmed by majority vote.

Q: Is it true that Alcorn University purchased part of the estate land?  Did they build on the Estate of Ed Smith Sr?  If so, how did this happen and who benefited?
A: Per George "Perk" Perkins, this information is false. Other family heirs are conducting further research.

Q: Are there any liens on the estate?
A: As of 2019, there are no liens on the Estate. Taxes are current and paid-in-full (reference TAX PAYMENTS tab).