Gregory (Greg) Foster | Mary Perkins Grandson

Greg introduced the Estate heirs to HDR Project Principal, Doug Bisson, during the Omaha Reunion. Mr. Bisson shared with the family his interest to immulate the Aksarben Village concept on the land area nearest alcorn University. Greg will re-engage with Mr. Bisson after the USDA clean-up project is underway.

See concept design below...
Larry Smith | Lee Smith's Grandson

Larry informed the family that his friend Drue P. Brown's company AgCEL expressed interest to assist us with the Estate.
Mr. Brown is the Owner and Agricultural Economist who would like to consult with him about improvements on the land and things that we can do to profit as well as converse with Alcorn University. 

Learn more about AgCEL: http://www.agcel.com/family/staff.htm