Hunting Club
Recent signs posted by Henry & Hilbert Jackson 
at each entry point of the Estate.

Hilbert & Charles representing the legendary family hunter
Henry Tip Jackson (our senior seasoned hunter)
For those who are unaware, the Estate has a hunting club currently being run by family members who signed into a 5-year hunting lease agreement. The name of the hunting club is Jackson & Smith Hunting Club (licensed & insured). Formerly named Montgomery Hunting Club. 

Hilbert & Henry Jackson, Charlie Smith, and George "Perk" Perkins hold the contract to this hunting lease.

Annual membership is $300 per hunter (including family members). Payments cover annual taxes. Also covers prepping the land for hunting season (i.e. purchase of food for the deer, stands, diesel, etc).

Hunting season begins November 01 through January 31.  
If you are interested in hunting, please contact:

Hilbert Jackson (469) 688-3926
Henry Tip Jackson (601) 597-6815
Charlie Smith (404) 734-6785
Perk (402) 968-4134

5-Most Important Preps Before Deer Hunting

Changes will be discussed and implemented at the next meeting
Ok Cuz, I'm ready! (lol)
Lillie Downs (Gladys' daughter)